We know Glucosamine is great for our dogs, but is Liquid Glucosamine just as good? Liquid glucosamine is a relatively new addition to the dog health space.

Liquid Glucosamine For Dogs
This image was taken from Pixabay

In the case of arthritis, we people have different types of cures and treatments. The following are the common activities we perform to relieve the pain from arthritis:

  • Hot and/or Cold Compress
  • Tablet Pain Relievers (Specific to Arthritis)
  • We Avoid Food That Promote Arthritis:
    • Beans and Bean Sprouts
    • Peanuts and Nuts
    • Shrimp
    • Processed Food

If your dog has arthritis, then we, as owners might not even notice it. There are a couple of signs that we should be keen on to determine if our dogs have arthritis. Here are some of them:

  1. Limping or Lameness When Walking
  2. Stiffness or Feeling Pain When Getting Down or Getting Up
  3. Reluctant to Walk, Jump, Play, or Climb Up the Stairs
  4. Licking of Affected Joints to Ease the Pain
  5. Yelping or Shocked When Touched

Should this be your case, do not fret – because we have glucosamine to help and support us!

What is Glucosamine?

Glucosamine is a type of a natural chemical compound that is taken to relieve arthritis pain. We take this as humans, too. In fact, the supplements we take to relieve arthritis pain usually have glucosamine. Our dogs, when you notice that arthritis is bothering them, do not hesitate to give or to have them take glucosamine.

Liquid Glucosamine For Dogs

When giving our dogs glucosamine, it is imperative to know and to understand that there are two (2) types of glucosamine: liquid glucosamine and solid glucosamine. The former is the lesser-famous type of glucosamine as it is normally ingested under certain conditions, such as: you have to shake and refrigerate it first; it has a specific amount of dosage for different intensities and conditions, and the like.

How is it Fed to Dogs?

Liquid glucosamine for dogs is used rather simple – it’s just like how vitamins and supplements are fed. Depending on the suggested prescription and dosage, take a teaspoon or a tablespoon; and with the recommended amount, let your dog take the liquid glucosamine.

It’s easy, simple, but if your dog does not want to cooperate, you might have a hard time. In addition to that, it also has negative things in relation to it.

Liquid Glucosamine vs. Solid Glucosamine

Many canine experts believe that having your dogs take liquid glucosamine offer exponential benefits than taking the solid ones. It may be the case but under certain circumstances, choosing the solid glucosamine might be the better option.


Liquid glucosamine bottles usually come in larger milligrams because they need to be consumed as a whole and on a regular basis. As a matter of fact, they’re heavier and they’re more challenging to take with you.

Solid glucosamine is near to weightless. Imagine buying a bottle of supplements – it wouldn’t have an inch of weight because it’s less compact; it has and it offers more space.


Other than the fact that they are heavier in weight, they’re also more likely to spill. If you have free dogs in the house and you accidentally failed to close or to seal the lid tightly, the chances of your liquid glucosamine spilling spikes.

Whereas purchasing solid glucosamine, you don’t have to worry about it spilling. When it does, you’ll only have to pick a few pieces of it up.

Diarrhea Potential

Since it’s liquid and its content is often more chemically-induced, it can be the cause of diarrhea for dogs. Liquidity, in nature, is always susceptible for diarrhea, vomiting, and other types of excretions because it’s liquid.

If it’s solid, on the other hand, you don’t have to worry because your dog’s next trip to the toilet might be when they’ll release it.


Having your dogs consume liquid glucosamine can have bad, even worse tastes and they might not like being fed it. Because of the concentration of the chemicals and the nutrients distributed in liquid glucosamine, your dogs might not be fond of taking it.

If you have them consume solid glucosamine, on the other hand, it’s just one pill per day and they don’t have to succumb to the taste for more than an hour. They can even swallow it directly without having to chew it.


If you don’t want to go through the hassle of managing liquid glucosamine for dogs, don’t waste efforts in doing so – purchase our MightyHealth Hip & Joint Soft – Chew Supplements to completely eradicate the dog arthritis your canine is suffering from.

Our supplemental treats carry tons of nutrients and vitamins that contribute to the overall well-being and health of your dogs. Though beating arthritis sometimes only requires an abundant amount of glucosamine, our MightyHealth Hip & Joint Soft – Chew Supplements also contain other vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, Chondroitin, and even MSM!

Why Go With Us?

If repairing healthy cartilages is something you want for your dogs, then getting our MightyHealth Hip & Joint Soft – Chew would be your best option. It wouldn’t spill, it’s not heavy in terms of weight – and you just need one soft-chew per day!

It’s made with Chondroitin Sulfate which allows and deeply enhances the absorption of nutrients for dogs in the context of cartilage synthesis. Repairing these would be easy because of the MSM content of it!

What better option do you have to treat and to help your dogs with your arthritis? One bottle of our MightyHealth Hip & Joint Soft – Chew Supplements contain 400 mg of MSM; 500 mg of Gluosamine; as well as 75 mg of Chondroitin.

Even if your dog is picky, they’ll absolutely love our soft-chews! We offer a money-back guarantee for them so you don’t have to worry! The next time you notice that your dogs have arthritis, don’t go rushing to the vet for them to be cured – order our MightyHealth Hip & Joint Soft – Chew and let them experience goodness and greatness in just a few tablets!

Regular dogs usually require only one (1) chew per day; there are even circumstances where they’re only required half a chew per day. But for dogs that are 35 kg and heavier, they need about two (2) chews per day.

Prevention is Better Than Cure

If you are preparing your dogs for arthritis, having them consume our MightyHealth Hip & Joint Soft – Chew Supplements is absolutely what you need to do. Our supplements are made in the most Scientific of ways so the damages that your dog experience will become lesser and easier to accommodate.

Want the simplest, the most natural, and the most effective treatments for your dog arthritis? Contact us now and order our MightyHealth Hip & Joint Soft – Chew Supplements and never waste a trip to the vet ever again!

Check out some other products we have that you and your furry friend might be able to enjoy!

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